
9 Ottobre 2019

The Wolf’s Path 2.0 is inaugurated with a solitary “rose-tinted” trip

This new story of the renewed version of trek could not have had a better baptism! A solitary woman with a big backpack, Alessia, to whom […]
9 Ottobre 2019

Important success for the first edition of the Festival for the Wolf and for another mountain

We make the most deserved congratulations to the IoNonhoPauradelLupo association for the success and public participation in the first Festival for the Wolf and for another […]
9 Ottobre 2019

The heptalogue to follow when you are in the habitat of us, Wolves

Let’s summarize 7 good actions and tips to keep in mind when we are in Nature, the wolf’s habitat, and described by Biologist Paola Fazzi: If […]
9 Ottobre 2019

Trophic Cascades: two decades of scientific data collected in the National Park of Yellowstone

A brief summary of a scientific article published in September 2018 in the Journal of Mammology can be found in the Keyword “Preys & Predators”. The […]
9 Ottobre 2019

Guardian Dogs: a recent story of Active Defense from the village of Opi, in Abruzzi

At the foot of Opi, a beautiful village resting on a mountainous spur in the heart of the National Park of Abruzzi, Latium and Molise (almost […]
9 Ottobre 2019

Biodiversity or precipice; coexistence or fall!

Several graphic signs, some colour, and that’s it, an amazing synthesis that stimulates many thoughts and reflections. Two big predators placed one in front of the […]
9 Ottobre 2019

A Wolf’s Path 2.0 to combine adventure and knowledge

The History of a Revival The many ideas we have tried to develop for this new website that you will find in the coming months along […]
7 Ottobre 2019

Resettlement in the central and eastern Alps: a window on the coexistence to research
