CAI Signposts
303, 305, 306
15,6 km (9,69 miles)
demanding hike
Max Altitude
615 m (2017.72 ft.)
881 m (2890.42 ft.)
1087 m a.s.l. (3566.2 ft.)
Crossed protected areas
Park of Lucretili Mountains
Pratone e cima di Monte Gennaro – Parco dei Monti Lucretili
Acquerello di Giulia Mininno

The second leg of our journey crosses one of the most beautiful and visited areas of the Regional Natural Park of Lucretili Mountains.
Here we will walk under the foliage of the imposing secular beech forest, typical of these mountains, and then continue trampling the green grass of Pratone pastures; from here one can admire the peak of Monte Gennaro. Once arrived at this point, we will go on towards the plain of Campitello and then head straight towards the end of the step, that is the characteristic village of Licenza.
In this leg we can walk down two short alternative paths: the first one, which leads us to the peak of Monte Gennaro and the second one at the end of the step, which brings us to discover the remains of Horaces’s Villa.