The History of a Revival
The many ideas we have developed for this new website of the Wolves’ Path (La Via dei Lupi) that you will find in the coming months along the many steps of the Wolves’ Path 2.0. will consist of panels, brochures and credentials. Later on, the hiking map and the new updated guide will be available.
They are and will be fruit of a prolific meeting between several creative and passionate people which has involved different parts, including all the Protected Areas crossed by the trekking, the Volunteers of the National Civil Service who made their experience at the Parks of the Lucretili Mountains and of the Simbruini Mountains, FederTrek – Hiking and the Environment and the “Charles Darwin” Department of Biology and Evolution of the Sapienza University of Rome.
The vision inspiring the setting up of the “new” Wolf’s Path was the awareness of the need to act on two parallel directions: the enhancement and the promotion of the territories crossed by the renewed version of this trek, which is approximately 200 km long (124 miles). 16 Steps to tell, inform and spread the correct knowledge about the Wolf, considered to be the predator par excellence of the Apennines.
A double action to attract the always welcome Slow Tourism and to improve the Coexistence between Man and Wolf.
Both are goals and paradigms that influence evermore the strategies of Protected Areas. All this to enjoy harmony and beauty, which are rediscovered only by walking in a varied and complete nature.
We are fascinated by this landscape and, almost without realizing it, we are often under a “wooded vault” or on a ridge from which one can admire the amazing views.
We can “only” invite you to surrender more often to walking tours so that the “humbleness” of your feet to support all your body will help you to heal from the daily distractions.
As always Good Walk …
… that includes Emotions, Adventure, Exploration, Rebirth!